Jesus foi levado ao céu, e sentou-se à direita de Deus.
Pascom NS da Gloria
25 de abr. de 20203 min de leitura
“Jesus foi levado ao céu, e sentou-se à direita de Deus.” Mt 16,19
Cristo está nos acompanhando ao longe... E bem perto... Nos Sacrários. Aqui no Rio, vários Sacrários estão fechados, e Cristo infelizmente fica sozinho por horas.
Mas podemos estar com Cristo através da Internet nas missas celebradas diariamente e transmitidas por várias Igrejas.
Adicionalmente, alguns santuários mantêm Cristo Eucarístico exposto e conectados via internet 24 horas ao dia. E podemos visitá-Lo e dizer que não nos sentimos sozinhos. Pois fazemos Comunhões Espirituais todo dia nas missas transmitidas e nas visitas
"Quisera Senhor receber-Vos com a mesma pureza humildade e devoção com que Vos recebeu Vossa Santíssima Mãe... Com o espírito e o fervor dos santos."
2° Sábado da Páscoa..🇪🇸 "Jesús fue llevado al cielo y se sentó a la diestra de Dios". Mt 16,19
Cristo nos acompaña desde la distancia ... Y muy cerca ... En los Tabernáculos. Aquí en Río, varios tabernáculos están cerrados y, lamentablemente, Cristo permanece solo durante horas.
Pero podemos estar con Cristo a través de Internet en misas celebradas diariamente y transmitidas por varias Iglesias.
Además, algunos santuarios mantienen al Cristo Eucarístico expuesto y conectado a través de Internet las 24 horas del día. Y podemos visitarlo y decir que no estamos solos. Porque hacemos Comuniones Espirituales todos los días en las masas transmitidas y en las visitas.
"Señor, deseo recibirte con la misma pureza, humildad y devoción, con la que recibiste a tu Santísima Madre ... con el espíritu y el fervor de los santos".
2do Sábado de Pascua..🇺🇸 "Jesus was taken to heaven, and sat at the right hand of God." Mt 16.19
Christ is accompanying us from a distance ... And very close ... In the Tabernacles. Here in Rio, several Tabernacles are closed, and Christ unfortunately remains alone for hours.
But we can be with Christ through the Internet in masses celebrated daily and transmitted by several Churches.
In addition, some sanctuaries keep the Eucharistic Christ exposed and connected via the Internet 24 hours a day. And we can visit Him and say that we are not alone. For we make Spiritual Communions every day in the masses transmitted and in the visits.
"Lord, I wish to receive You with the same purity, humility and devotion, with which You received Your Most Holy Mother ... With the spirit and fervor of the saints."
2nd Easter Saturday..🇮🇹 "Jesus was taken to heaven, and sat at the right hand of God." Mt 16.19
Christ is accompanying us from a distance ... And very close ... In the Tabernacles. Here in Rio, several Tabernacles are closed, and Christ unfortunately remains alone for hours.
But we can be with Christ through the Internet in masses celebrated daily and transmitted by several Churches.
In addition, some sanctuaries keep the Eucharistic Christ exposed and connected via the Internet 24 hours a day. And we can visit Him and say that we are not alone. For we make Spiritual Communions every day in the masses transmitted and in the visits.
"Lord, I wish to receive You with the same purity, humility and devotion, with which You received Your Most Holy Mother ... With the spirit and fervor of the saints."
2nd Easter Saturday..🇱🇻."Jesus was taken to heaven, and sat at the right hand of God." Mt 16.19
Christ is accompanying us from a distance ... And very close ... In the Tabernacles. Here in Rio, several Tabernacles are closed, and Christ unfortunately remains alone for hours.
But we can be with Christ through the Internet in masses celebrated daily and transmitted by several Churches.
In addition, some sanctuaries keep the Eucharistic Christ exposed and connected via the Internet 24 hours a day. And we can visit Him and say that we are not alone. For we make Spiritual Communions every day in the masses transmitted and in the visits.
"Lord, I wish to receive You with the same purity, humility and devotion, with which You received Your Most Holy Mother ... With the spirit and fervor of the saints."
2nd Easter Saturday.🏳"Jesus sublatus est in caelum et sedit a dextris Dei". Mt 16:19
Procul et prope ... ... In Christo enim vigilantes in tabernaculorum. Hic in Rio complures tabernacula clausit, et quod valde dolendum est, quia solus Christus horis.
Sed hoc non potest esse cum Christo in Internet In Missis iuxta Missale B. cotidiana et a quibusdam Ecclesiis tradiderunt.
Praeterea, Christus Eucharistic ponere aliquas aedes expositae et connexum per Internet XXIV horas die. Et visitas eum, et dicunt, nos sola non sentiunt. Quia quotidie in missa facio; communiones spirituales visitationes et traducitur.
'Volo te Domine accipere eadem castitate, humilitate & devotione, quo Vos ille suscepit mater tua sancta sanctorum dealbatorum fervori ad primas et spiritus Cum ... ".