Ele virá com a pá na mão: vai limpar sua eira e recolher o trigo no celeiro;
mas a palha Ele a queimará no fogo que não se apaga. Lc 3,17
Cristo está ainda recolhendo o trigo no celeiro e separando a palha para ser queimada. E o fará até a Sua segunda vinda, quando fatá a última colheita.
Hoje somos nós, a Igreja, que empunhamos a pá... Para adubar os terrenos... Para aplainar os montes... Para aterrar os vales... Para facilitar os caminhos de nossa família, amigos, conhecidos e das outras pessoas que cruzamos.
3° Domingo do Advento
🇪🇸 Vendrá con una pala en la mano: limpiará su era y recogerá el trigo en el granero; pero la paja la quemará en un fuego inextinguible. Lc 3,17
Cristo todavía está recogiendo el trigo en el granero y separando la paja para quemarla. Y lo hará hasta Su segunda venida, cuando tenga lugar la última cosecha.
Hoy somos nosotros, la Iglesia, quienes empuñamos la pala ... Fertilizar la tierra ... Allanar los cerros ... Llenar los valles ... Facilitar los caminos de nuestra familia, amigos, conocidos y otros que cruzamos.
3er domingo de Adviento
🇺🇸 He will come with a shovel in his hand: he will clean his threshing floor and gather the wheat in the barn; but the chaff He will burn in the unquenchable fire. Lk 3.17
Christ is still gathering the wheat in the barn and separating the straw to be burned. And he'll do it until His second coming, when he cuts the last harvest.
Today it is we, the Church, who wield the shovel... To fertilize the land... To flatten the hills... To fill the valleys... To facilitate the paths of our family, friends, acquaintances and others that we crossed.
3rd Sunday of Advent
🇮🇹 He will come with a shovel in his hand: he will clean his threshing floor and gather the wheat in the barn; but the chaff He will burn in the unquenchable fire. Lk 3.17
Christ is still gathering the wheat in the barn and separating the straw to be burned. And he'll do it until His second coming, when he cuts the last harvest.
Today it is we, the Church, who wield the shovel... To fertilize the land... To flatten the hills... To fill the valleys... To facilitate the paths of our family, friends, acquaintances and others that we crossed.
3rd Sunday of Advent
🇱🇻He will come with a shovel in his hand: he will clean his threshing floor and gather the wheat in the barn; but the chaff He will burn in the unquenchable fire. Lk 3.17
Christ is still gathering the wheat in the barn and separating the straw to be burned. And he'll do it until His second coming, when he cuts the last harvest.
Today it is we, the Church, who wield the shovel... To fertilize the land... To flatten the hills... To fill the valleys... To facilitate the paths of our family, friends, acquaintances and others that we crossed.
3rd Sunday of Advent
🏳️In manu trulla veniet: mundabit aream suam et congregabit triticum in horreo; paleas autem comburet igni inextinguibili. Lc 3.17
Christus adhuc triticum in horreo colligens, et paleas ad comburendum sepa- raret. Et faciet usque ad adventum eius secundum, cum facta fuerit ultima messis.
Hodie est nos Ecclesia, quae trullam geris... Ad fecundando terram... Ad colles adulandos... Ad valles replendas... Ad faciliores semitas familiae nostrae, noti, noti et alia quae transivimus.
Dominica III adventus